Thursday Postcards Hunt: Towers of Enigmatic Smiles

This week, I’m taking you to Siem Reap, Cambodia. To a place where serenity and grandeur collide at the magnificent Bayon Temple, famous for its array of towers with smiling faces and “baroque” architecture in a Khmer context. While Angkor Wat is impressive and rightfully holds its place, Bayon remains a personal favourite for its unique charm.

The temple’s defining feature?  Two hundred sixteen (216) colossal, enigmatic faces carved onto 54 sandstone towers. These serene smiles seem to gaze eternally at the horizon, each tower boasting four expressions facing different directions. It’s hard to imagine the dedication and skill required to create such a wonder, especially with the available tools they had in those times.

These smiling faces follow you around the temple.
Conservationists say there are only about 173 intact carved images left.

On my last visit, I saw a tourist mirroring the contemplative mood. He was resting against the temple wall, just beneath a tower face. On one hand, he held an unlit cigar – a nod to the intrepid explorers of old who first marveled at these ruins. With the other, he fanned himself vigorously using his Indiana Jones hat against the relentless heat. Perhaps he, like me, was simply enjoying the structures, or pondering the mysteries of Bayon. Who were these enigmatic figures? What message did the ancient builders intend? These very questions add to the temples enduring allure.

10 comments / Add your comment below

  1. Those are amazing faces! I think I would rather see them than Angkor Wat. It sounds as if the tourist might well have been a ghost of an explorer of old.

    1. The Bayon’s faces are truly captivating. I know what you mean about preferring them to Angkor Wat – there’s something undeniably mysterious about them that might just outshine even the iconic Angkor Wat. It’s fun to imagine ghost explorers mingling with today’s tourists!

  2. As you say, it is difficult to imagine how these were made with the tools available at the time. The immense size of these commands respect.

    1. Absolutely! It’s mind-boggling to think about the craftsmanship that went into creating these incredible faces with the tools they had back then. The scale is truly awe-inspiring.

    1. Yes, indeed. The changing light affects the faces throughout the day. It adds another layer of mystery to the temple.

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